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Development of Synthetic Cannabinoids Based on Molecular Mechanisms

The full title of the project: Development of Synthetic Cannabinoids Based on Molecular Mechanisms, Assessment of Their Anti-cancer Potential and Development of a Set of Treatment Sensitivity Markers.

The purpose of the project is to develop synthetic cannabinoids based on molecular mechanisms, their synthesis methodology, and a set of therapeutic sensitivity markers. After completion of the project, the following products are planned to be introduced on the market:

  • A biologically active synthetic cannabinoid (therapeutic product) designed for either inhibition or treatment of oncological diseases,
  • A biologically active cannabinoid synthesis methodology/production technology delivered to pharmaceutical companies and enabling them to perform their own synthesis of the product,
  • A set of treatment sensitivity markers intended for diagnostics with the view of determining of each individual patient’s sensitivity to the active substance and selecting the most appropriate product for treatment.

The project is implemented under the EU Instrument No. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-828. Intelligence. Joint Science and Business Projects, in partnership with the National Cancer Institute of Lithuania. The institute will conduct molecular studies of anti – cancer effects of cannabinoids in contemporary 3D cell cultures in vivo models. Planned project duration is 36 months. The costs of the project are partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the Operational Programme for EU Structural Funds Investments for 2014 – 2020, project No. J05-LVPA-K-04-0113.


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