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What is the secret to getting the high quality CBN isolate?

Some say that cannabinoids are miracle molecules, but certain pitfalls come with anything entitled as a miracle. As we are all working in the cannabis industry, we know a lot and here we are not talking about the chemistry. Depending on the size of your company, you may be a supply chain manager, a CEO, a COO, or even a scientist and probably you have more than a dozen of bad stories to tell about sourcing major and minor cannabinoids, right? So, let’s dig and search for that successful recipe for getting the highest quality CBN isolate in bulk!

But first, let’s understand – what is CBN cannabinoid?

Cannabinol (CBN) – is a white crystalline material that either has no scent or may have a mild cannabis scent. It is one of the minor cannabinoids, alongside CBC, CBDV, CBL, CBV, and others. However, it has some special molecular features – it is a tricyclic compound, while the majority of other cannabinoids have bicyclic (CBD, CBC, CBDV) or even monocyclic (CBG) molecules. This chemical aspect is in part responsible for the activity of CBN – it is a well known agonist of CB1 and CB2 molecular receptors, moreover, it interacts with the binding sites of TRPV1-TRPV4 and others from TRP family. Due to such complex interaction pattern there is a lot left to explore in academic and clinical investigations.

CBN and insomnia, what is the link between them?

Probably every manager knows the difference between a good night’s sleep and no sleep all too well. But hey! Let’s not forget that there is a great night’s sleep as well! And this topic is a global issue with billions of dollars to be made every year from over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription drugs for sleep aid. Interestingly, due to the aforementioned complex interaction pattern, CBN shows a potential for treatment of insomnia and is currently under investigation as an insomnia medicine. A possible future cure for insomnia straight from cannabis plant, isn’t that great?

What do drug development endeavors and minor cannabinoid industry have in common?

The short answer is – a lot. A lot, here, meaning the strict quality and reproducibility criteria that the product has to meet. We know from our experience and stories shared by our clients that it can be damaging for business and nerve wracking (a great cocktail for poor night’s sleep) to find that the CBN isolate they have purchased is contaminated and the producers do not accept returns or that the shipment of new lot may take more than two months, when you already have your own timelines that should not be missed. Just imagine how big of a problem this may be for a clinical application. That is why it is crucial to find and maintain a healthy bond between your business and the supplier of high quality CBN that guarantees great quality from batch to batch in combination with a caring customer support.

Okay, so can you find the high-quality CBN Isolate?

This one has a more complex answer. First of all, high-quality CBN Isolate should be free from particulates – any debris that may come from factory or packaging. Moreover, it should be contaminant-free, meaning that purity (sometimes also called potency) should be no less than 98 %, ideally 99 % and above. It may be so that a 98 % product can have, for example, 2 % CBD, which would generally be regarded as “not an issue” among cannabinoid players. Generally, if the remaining percentage of “impurities” is other cannabinoids – that usually does no harm.

Digging further, CBN usually comes as a white powder, however, it may as well be pink and pink color can be attributed to CBND – another minor cannabinoid, so if your CBN is white or with a light pink tint – it is a great product, however, if it is highly colored or anything but white or pink – that should raise some red flags!

Final thing to pay attention to is certificate of analysis (CoA) – the most essential document that discloses all tests that have been performed and results of those tests, it should include microbiological evaluation, trace metals and leftover solvents. If everything seems fine with these, then there is one final question – does the manufacturer has a steady stock of CBN isolate for wholesale?

You want quality? We want you!

Here at Sanobiotec we strive to match the needs of every client with the best products. We treat our clients with respect and dignity – big or small, pharma or vape startups – we want to be your success factor. For this reason we do not limit ourselves with our in-house testing, we do an extra mile and test our products in third-party accredited laboratories, so rest assured that quality is always high. We use GC and LC machines in-house, do NMR analysis for absolute purity determination, outsource tests for quantitative and qualitative analysis, trace metals, microbiological contaminants and solvent residues.

Our portfolio boasts of many more major and minor cannabinoids, be sure to check them out – CBD, CBG, CBDV, CBC, CBGA as well as ready-made formulations of oils and water solubles. Our mission is to provide our customers with purest, highest quality and potency products with a fair price and fast delivery. Do not hesitate and book a call!



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